- IB Mission Statement
- Harvest International School Mission
- Harvest International School Vision
- Purpose of the Language Policy
- Link between Language Policy and Other Policies
- Philosophy
- Definitions
- Languages Offered at Harvest International School
- Language Pathways
- Pedagogical Features of Harvest International School Language Offerings
- Principles and Practices of Teaching Language
- Beliefs and Standards
- Developing International Mindedness
- Role of the Library in Language Development
- Language in Primary and Middle Years Programme
- Approaches to Teaching and Learning
- Time Allocated for Teaching Different Languages
- Assessment in Language Learning
- Strategies to Support Teachers and Students
- HIS Language Policy and Review
- References
IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners.
Harvest International School Mission
Nurture happy learners who embody ethics, excel in their chosen fields, and contribute to the betterment of society.
Harvest International School Vision
Harvest International School is dedicated to providing personalized holistic education, leveraging technology for academic growth and innovation. Our inclusive and value-centric approach develops confident, globally-minded individuals who embrace diversity. With the guidance of exceptional educators and partnering with parents, we provide a supportive environment, instilling a lifelong love for learning and empathy.
Purpose of the Language Policy
We, at Harvest International School, view linguistic diversity at our school as a rich resource for achieving the ideals of intercultural understanding and international-mindedness. We believe that the maintenance and development of a mother tongue is crucial to cognitive development and maintaining cultural identity. Language is central to inquiry, communication, and self-expression in every area of the curriculum and all aspects of life. Thus, the development of language is viewed as a shared responsibility of all stakeholders of our learning community. We view every member of the teaching community as a facilitator of language development.
Our goal is to:
- Learn the language, as students use it to communicate.
- Learn about language, as students develop an understanding of how it works.
- Learn through language, as students use it as a tool to understand, think, and reflect.
Link between Language Policy and Other Policies
Link to Admission Policy: At the time of admission, students need to provide the following information:
- Language/s understood and spoken by the student
- Language/s learnt previously by the student
English language proficiency is assessed at the time of admission.
Link to Inclusion Policy: The admission phase requires students to undergo an English language assessment and subsequent interaction. This assessment helps gauge the literacy levels of incoming students, allowing for tailored support in collaboration with language teachers, learning support teams, and special educators. Moreover, inclusive access arrangements permitted by the IB will be provided for PYP, MYP, IBDP, and school assessments. Additionally, parents are requested to provide sufficient evidence of any assessed learning or physical difficulties/disorders during admission, facilitating the school in making appropriate inclusion access arrangements as allowed by the IB.
Link to Assessment Policy: The language proficiency of students is assessed at the time of admission. Additionally, different formative and summative assessments at PYP, MYP, DP will be conducted to ensure that both assessment approaches of ‘Assessment for learning’ and ‘Assessment of learning’ can be effectively applied.
At Harvest International School, language is an intrinsic part of all topics and is extremely important to learning. Language not only fosters intellectual growth but is also important for maintaining cultural identity and psychological stability. Learning a language is a lifelong process and a key component of an individual’s personal development and cognitive skills. At Harvest, the language policy operates within the framework of its mission and vision. We recommend the learning of language through inquiry, empowering students to make connections with concepts, to explore and examine. Language learning at Harvest is predominantly about conveying feelings, thoughts, and ideas.
In our school, the students learn more than one language in PYP and MYP, as multilingualism and the development of critical literacy is a paramount factor of international-mindedness. Acquiring an additional language facilitates students to reflect upon and explore different cultural perspectives. Language is considered to be a major factor in the implementation of international identity through the promotion of cultural identity, multicultural esteem, and global citizenship. Through Language and Literature and Language Acquisition, we intend to develop confident, remarkable, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic global citizens who carry the traits of the IB Learner Profile.
Mother Tongue: The language the student uses at home and/or outside of the classroom/school environment. This term encompasses other terms including: first language, home language, preferred language.
Language and Literature: Language and Literature is one of the eight subject groups taught in the MYP. English is the medium of instruction and the Language and Literature language taught at HIS.
Language Acquisition: Language Acquisition is one of the eight subject groups taught in the MYP. It is the language other than English that is taught in school. HIS offers Hindi and French as Language Acquisition.
Languages offered at Harvest International School
At Harvest, English is the medium of instruction, and students study all their academic subjects in English. English is used in all school publications, on the website, on any signage, for communication with students, parents, as well as among staff members. English is the main language of instruction and coordination. Hindi is the official language, French is an international language, and Kannada is the regional language that is part of the school curriculum. The focus of language and its application goes across all MYP core subject groups. Language provides a vehicle for inquiry. Wherever possible, language is taught through the relevant, authentic context of the MYP Units.
During the primary years, students enhance their capacity for critical thinking, logical reasoning, analytical skills, effective communication, and articulate expression of ideas and emotions primarily through English instruction. Language serves as a potent instrument for structuring and conveying thoughts and viewpoints. Therefore, we encourage students to refine their language proficiencies through a diverse array of learning opportunities. Additionally, students will acquire proficiency in an extra language during the primary years.
In the Middle Years, students smoothly transition into Language and Literature programs, where they continue to enhance their linguistic abilities and engage more deeply with English and World literature. The four skill domains in PYP language—Oral language (Listening and Speaking), Visual language (Viewing and Presenting), and Written language (Reading and Writing)—undergo further refinement during the Middle Years Programme. Aligned with our institutional vision, the Middle Years Programme mandates the study of a minimum of two languages, fostering students’ understanding of both their own cultures and those of others. The Language Acquisition program is designed to meet these requirements. Students progressing to the Diploma Programme (DP) will have a solid foundation in at least one additional language alongside English.
The MYP Language and Literature program provides various routes to the Language A – Literature or Language and Literature courses in the Diploma Programme. Similarly, the Language Acquisition program paves the way for Language B in the Diploma Programme.
At Harvest, Language and Literature is taught in English for DP and MYP as per IB Subject Groups. In PYP, the language of instruction (English) is integrated into the units of inquiry.
In order to provide students with an authentic and diverse language and literature learning experience in MYP, teachers:
- Implement the MYP aims and objectives as exemplary standards.
- Encourage reading across all subjects.
- Foster effective, appropriate, accurate, and confident language usage among students.
- Enhance students’ oral and written communication abilities.
- Cultivate language skills for diverse contexts and purposes.
- Encourage appreciation, comprehension, and analysis of literature.
- Offer avenues for enjoyment, creativity, and intellectual engagement through language and literature.
- Utilize formative assessments to guide teaching practices.
- Develop reading and writing lessons with authentic summative assessments.
- Create opportunities for students to engage with and contribute to their broader community.
- Foster real-world knowledge and cultural sensitivity through language instruction.
From Grade 1:
Students are introduced to the official language Hindi and regional language Kannada in accordance with the regulations of the Government. There is a choice between Hindi/Kannada/French for students from Grade 4. However, spoken Kannada is taught in PYP as part of promoting local language profiles for those students who have not opted for Kannada as the second language. For students who have opted for Kannada as their second language, a choice is given for spoken languages Hindi/French. Learning these languages is mandatory as mandated by national and regional language initiatives. In parallel to the integration of the second language and state language instruction, the framework of the school leads to the needs of the individual and illustrates the values of the IB (as per the MYP Program, Standards and Practices).
The second language is Hindi/French and is termed as Language Acquisition from MYP 1 to DP as per IB Subject Groups.
Organizing an “Introduction to the MYP” orientation:
As part of the admission process that includes information about language acquisition courses.
In order to provide students with an authentic and diverse language acquisition learning experience in MYP, the teachers:
- Employ the MYP aims and objectives as a model of excellence; the language acquisition course presents students with both linguistic and academic challenges, aiming to provide them with an optimal educational journey.
- Throughout the course, students have the chance to cultivate their language abilities to their maximum capacity and advance through various phases within the MYP framework.
- The objectives within the language acquisition subject group encapsulate fundamental language processes and are structured consistently across all six phases, aiding teachers in their planning, teaching, and assessment endeavors.
In DP:
Language Acquisition is termed as Language Ab initio; courses are for beginners (that is, students who have little or no previous experience of learning the language they have chosen). These courses are only available at standard level and Language B courses are intended for students who have had some previous experience of learning the language. They may be studied at either higher level or standard level.
It is termed as a second language. In PYP for Grade 1 and 2, Kannada, Hindi, and Spoken French are mandatory for all students and from PYP 3, they have a choice of choosing their second language.
Language Acquisition Choices in Harvest
Kannada is a mandated requirement from the State Government in Primary Year levels.
- PYP YEAR 1 – YEAR 2: Language 2 – Hindi and Kannada, Spoken French
- PYP YEAR 3 – YEAR 5: Language 2 – Hindi/French/Kannada (choice of any one)
- MYP YEAR 1 – YEAR 5: Language Acquisition – Hindi/French (choice of any one)
- DP Language Acquisition: Ab initio and Language B (HL/SL)
Language Pathways
The language pathway is the implementation of our philosophy statement into action and exhibits how our school facilitates learners in achieving mastery in language learning. The school brings on board qualified professional language teachers for both Language and Literature and Language Acquisition. We provide our administrators and teachers with annual professional development. Hence, all the languages are taught holistically. All the language programs have detailed learning outcomes for the strands of all the criteria (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). We nurture an authentic inquiry-based learning environment.
PYP | MYP | DP |
PYP1-2 Hindi and Kannada (Second Language) Spoken French PYP 3-5 Hindi, Kannada, French (Choose any one as a Second Language) |
When moving from PYP, students will have the option to choose between French and Hindi as their Language Acquisition subject. However, it is advised that they continue with the second language chosen at the PYP level. Phases: Emergent (Hindi and French) Phase 1-2 Capable (Hindi/French) Phase 3-4 Proficient (Hindi) Phase 5 Proficient (Hindi) Phase 6 Once a language is chosen in PYP3 as a second language, the student must continue with the same language during the complete learning process until MYP 5. In special cases, if the student wishes to opt for a different language in MYP 2/MYP 3/MYP 4, it will be considered provided the student has at least 2-3 years of exposure to the chosen language previously (in PYP or equivalents) or if it is their native language. A pre-assessment will be conducted, involving discussion with the language teacher, program coordinator, and the parent. |
Ab initio (only French) Language B SL (Hindi/French) Language B SL/HL (Hindi/French) Language B SL/HL (Hindi) Language A: Literature SL (Hindi) Language A: Language and Literature SL/HL (Hindi) Literature and Performance SL (Hindi) Language A: Literature SL/HL (Hindi) Language A: Language and Literature SL/HL (Hindi) Literature and Performance SL (Hindi) |
Entry and Exit Points for Language Acquisition
The Programme of Inquiry provides an authentic context for learners to develop and use language. Wherever possible, language is taught through the relevant and authentic contexts of the units of inquiry. The six skill areas in the PYP years include listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting.Entry Point in MYP:
- When transitioning from PYP, the school assists students in selecting a language at the time of admission based on their prior engagements and a pre-assessment test.
- Once a language is chosen in PYP3 as a second language, the student must continue with the same language during the complete learning process until MYP 5. Any change of language in the middle of the academic years will be subject to the assessment given by the concerned language acquisition teachers and the existing Coordinators of PYP and MYP, according to all 4 criteria (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) of the IB framework.
- When moving from PYP, the students will have the option to choose between French and Hindi as their Language Acquisition subject; however, it is advised that they continue with the second language chosen at the PYP level.
- A pre-assessment will be conducted for the chosen language at each grade level, and the student will be placed in the appropriate phase based on the same. This process will also involve discussion with the Language teacher, Program Coordinator, and the parent if deemed necessary.
Movement of Phases in MYP:
- Language skill needs to be developed through the years, and hence we recommend that once the student opts for a certain language in MYP 1, they continue with the same through MYP 5.
- In special cases, if the student wishes to opt for a different language in MYP 2/MYP 3/MYP 4, the same will be considered provided the student has at least 2-3 years of exposure to the chosen language previously (in PYP or equivalents) or if it is their native language. However, a pre-assessment will be conducted for the same. This process will also involve discussion with the language teacher, program coordinator, and the parent.
- The option for changing the language in MYP 5 will not be provided unless the chosen language of the student in their previous academic year is not offered at Harvest, in case of new admissions only. In such cases, the student needs to be provided with extra support to learn the chosen language.
- HIS offers Language Acquisition subjects at Phases 1 and 2 (Emergent Level). The students move to the next phase level once they have achieved proficiency at a current phase level as per MYP Criteria. These are assessed at the end of every unit, and the Language teachers, based on Summative assessment levels, make decisions on the movement of phases.
- HIS will offer a “Capable” phase of learning a language as the students progress.
- In case a student joins school in the middle of a year, a pre-assessment and reports from the previous school help a teacher decide the phase level for the student. If the student has no prior exposure to the languages offered at HIS, they will be offered a language of their choice at Phase 1, Emergent Level. Special support classes and bridge programs will be offered to the students post school hours or during working Saturdays.
- Students will be registered for Onscreen assessment for Emergent/Capable levels as per their learning at MYP 5 stage.
Repetition of Phases:
Depending on the student’s readiness and achievement levels, it is possible that a student may need to repeat a phase for a consecutive year. However, this should not be considered as a failure as this is done only for the benefit of the student and to provide help and support in learning the language better. Also, the curriculum is designed in such a way that even if a student repeats a phase, they will not be learning the same content and will be introduced to different topics with more emphasis and assistance on language structure.Teaching Language in MYP:
The ability to perceive and comprehend language is acquired through language acquisition. The Language Acquisition component of the Middle Year Program 1 through 5 accomplishes oral communication, visual interpretation, reading comprehension, and writing skills in another language while building on the experiences and knowledge gained in the Primary Years. In collaboration with teachers, parents, counselors, and administration, students choose their language of study. In MYP Year 1, students begin learning their chosen language and continue throughout higher grades. Language acquisition study in middle school must be maintained in the same language for the entire five-year middle school period, and students who complete this requirement are well prepared to enter the post-secondary educational opportunities. New applicants are assessed for their language competency through reviewing previous reports, observation, entry assessments, and interviews.DP:
MYP Language Acquisition leads to a smooth transition into Language Acquisition in the Diploma Programme as per the pathways set up by IB.Exit Point in MYP:
In MYP, language acquisition is organized into six phases. However, currently based on the achievement level of the students, Harvest has up to Phase 2 in the two languages that have been offered. The phases 3 and 4 will be added progressively depending on the readiness, eligibility, and achievement level of the students. It is to be noted that according to the IB, it is not mandatory that the student needs to complete all the 6 phases by the end of MYP and the students can exit MYP at any phase level as this will again depend on their achievement level during their progression through phases.Pedagogical Features of Harvest International School Language Offerings
Language Learning in the IB PYP | Language Learning in the IB MYP | Language Learning in the IB DP |
• Encourage inquiry-based authentic language learning • Emphasis on the transdisciplinary nature of language learning • Consolidate the teaching and learning of language into the program of inquiry • Progress the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing in the learners • Bring forth the teaching of additional languages like Kannada, Hindi, and French • Provide appropriate feedback to support learning for students facing challenges in language learning |
• Equip students with required resources for Language and Literature and Language Acquisition • Integrates the learning of languages with learning in the subject groups and interdisciplinary planning • Establish purposeful, disciplined, and integrative understanding by exploring authentic and relevant texts and topics • Conduct collaborative learning through a range of experiences in new and familiar settings • Assign targeted assessment that integrates MYP objectives and criteria of the IB framework • Provide appropriate feedback to support learning for students facing challenges in language learning |
• Provide a range of language backgrounds and proficiencies • Create a comfortable environment for Language A, Language B, and ab Initio language study • Deliver lectures and communicate instructions exclusively in the target language • Encourage collaborative learning and provide diverse learning styles • Clarify outline expectations • Incorporate a multitude of perspectives • Guide students to understand how assessments are determined and how to obtain evidence of their learning • Enhance strategies of meta-cognition, structured inquiry, and critical thinking in every individual learner • Create a challenging, relevant, and substantial learning experience |
Pedagogical Features of Harvest International School Language Offerings
With more than 15 different mother tongues, the ethnic background of students fluctuates from the middle class to affluent families. The family network is a fusion of businessmen, professionals from a wide range of industries. Both organizational and teaching personnel communicate in English, who are most proficient in at least one additional language. Harvest is deeply committed to and invests in competent, knowledgeable language teachers for all language programs.
The language curriculum at Harvest has unique, articulated learning outcomes illustrating the four strands of language that create and encourage a rigorous academic standard:
- Listening and Speaking
- Viewing and Presenting
- Reading
- Writing
Principles and Practices of Teaching Language
In order to develop fluent communicators, we believe that:
- Language has an important role in affirming and expressing identity, impacting self-efficacy and students’ beliefs in their ability to succeed.
- Language learning is an interplay between learning language, learning through language, and learning about language.
- English language teaching integrates and develops language skills in reading, writing, viewing, presenting, listening, and speaking.
- The Assessed curriculum, which is concerned with the assessment of the actual learning that takes place for each student, happens in the form of formative and summative assessments at different stages of the unit. The students are trained in school for taking up the MYP Onscreen Assessment in Year 5.
- Teachers apply differentiation as a central element of language teaching and learning. Teaching and assessments are thoughtfully applied to suit individual needs, abilities, and learning styles.
- Every teacher in the school is responsible for language development. The school’s Support / Counseling Unit highlights areas for improvement, designs an action plan, and sets a schedule for meeting with the student on a need basis.
- Along with language differentiation within the classroom, language teachers support students with a Guided Reading Program which addresses reading skills, strategies, and conceptual understandings necessary to become competent, motivated, and independent readers.
- We at Harvest are dedicated to providing an equitable and unbiased environment for learning. Harvest International School acknowledges the ability of ATLs to develop language skills and uses these approaches to language learning.
- In teaching, training, and evaluation, the stages of language development, as indicated in the IB programme model, are being used to define the extent of learners and provide adequate support.
- The school enforces time, space, work, and people for those who require special assistance in English. Records from the Induction Program generated at the time of initiation can be used to provide adequate support for language acquisition.
- Formative assessment programs for different learning needs, tests to recognize strengths and limitations in linguistic sectors of language will be undertaken to provide appropriate support.
- Review papers will be examined in terms of planning experimental research. Interdisciplinary units are also targeted at building the joint responsibility of teachers to cultivate the language development among students.
Beliefs and Standards
The beliefs of teaching and learning of languages at Harvest International School are in alignment with the IB Standards and Practices:
- The school places importance on language learning, including mother tongue, host country language, and other languages. (Standard A7)
- The school supports access for students to the IB programme(s) and philosophy.
- The school strongly encourages participation for all students. (Standard A9a)
- The school has developed and implements a language policy that is consistent with IB expectations. (Standard B1.5a)
- Teaching and learning address the diversity of student language needs, including those for students learning in a language(s) other than their mother tongue. (Standard C3:7)
- Teaching and learning demonstrate that all teachers are responsible for the language development of students. (Standard C3:8)
The Role of Mother Tongue and Student Language Profile
- The role of Mother Tongue refers to the dialect most frequently and confidently used to socialize in a home and family scenario.
- At Harvest International School, we acknowledge the importance of establishing and maintaining student literacy in their mother tongue for their personal, social, and scholastic growth.
- We assume that the growth of a student’s native language will accelerate the pace of language acquisition, including English and non-English languages, as well as facilitate achievement in all subjects, enhance self-esteem, and enhance intercultural awareness and international understanding.
- The mother tongue endorses learner learning by expediting access to and perceptual conceptions that drive the curriculum, and by subverting meaning as mandated.
- Students are therefore actively encouraged to use their mother tongue to authenticate the curriculum and to cultivate personal success.
- Bhasha Sangam – Family language clubs has been introduced to IB with a belief of promoting intercultural understanding and respect and to promote mother tongue.

Celebrations and Language Learning Experiences
Linguistic Diversity/Celebrations
- India being a country of diverse culture, year-long celebrations of main festivals such as Onam, Ugadi, Dussehra, Diwali, Pongal, etc., are celebrated to promote culture. Students participate in assemblies to share various perspectives.
- Throughout the year, events are organized that encourage students to appreciate and respect the linguistic diversity around them. Along with other languages, emphasis is placed on the mother tongue.
Language Days
- In order to promote the additional language offerings at Harvest, special days are celebrated such as Hindi Diwas, National French Day, Fête de la musique, Francophonie Day, Kannada Rajyotsava.
- Languages Kannada, Hindi, and French are given importance as state, official, and additional foreign language exposure. Students are given opportunities to appreciate these languages.
Reading Bay/Library
- At Harvest International School, students are encouraged to read at least 10 books per year in the IB according to their age and level of willingness. The library catalog reflects collections of various genres of books.
Literary Week
- The objectives of a Literary Week in Harvest International School can be diverse and multifaceted, aligning with the principles and goals of the IB program.
- The literary week will be conducted for both PYP and MYP, including all four languages (English, Hindi, Kannada, and French).
- Few inter-house competitions are conducted during the literary week which aims to promote a love for literature, enhance language skills, and provide opportunities for students to improve their language skills through reading, writing, and discussion.
- Encourage critical thinking and analytical skills through literary analysis.
- Encourage creativity and align activities with the IB Learner Profile attributes, such as being open-minded, reflective, and knowledgeable.
- Encourage continued reading, writing, and exploration of literary arts.
Role of the Library in Language Development
- The library plays a very vital role in the language program at Harvest International School. It provides a healthy learning space and a calm, disciplined environment to promote reading, learning, and research skills.
- It is stocked with all genres of books (1:10 student-book ratio) including reference books, multicultural books, and world classics for students and teachers to access.
- The school library is one of the valuable resources for promoting international-mindedness in students.
- The resources provided by the library help nurture intercultural understanding in the students. The school plans to keep adding to the collection of regional books, bilingual books, and multicultural books for this purpose.
- The library is a key resource for teachers to do collaborative planning, researching, professional development, and specific support in terms of language development.
Language in the Primary & Middle Years Programme
- Language is an all-encompassing feature across the framework of the university, both within and outside its transdisciplinary research program. Language at Harvest International School in the IB is seen as emanating the entire curriculum.
- Language learning is distributed across all fields, and through the research program, all IB teachers at Harvest International School are regarded and perceived as language teachers.
- English is the main language taught during primary school years, as well as the language used to connect learners to the MYP curriculum.
- Teachers organize language contributions with concrete and enjoyable contexts, and learners are able to make comparisons, adapt their training, and translate their conceptual understanding to novel situations. This liberal conceptual development, together with the enjoyment of the process, provides the basis for lifelong learning.
- The school recognizes that learning to understand language through listening, reading, and viewing, and speaking, writing, and presenting go hand-in-hand and thus facilitates embedded language development. The three lines of communication: oral, written, and visual are intermingled and interconnected and not taught in isolation.
- In order to provide students with an authentic and diverse language acquisition learning experience, teachers will:
- Use the MYP aims and objectives as best practice. In order to meet these objectives, teachers will need to concentrate on each of the macro skills of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting.
- The language acquisition course should provide a linguistic and academic challenge for students in order to give them the best possible educational experience.
- Students should be given the opportunity to develop their language skills to their full potential, as well as the possibility of progressing through the phases over the course of the MYP.
Language Acquisition subject group objectives | |||
A: Listening B: Reading C: Writing D: Speaking Language and Literature subject group objectives | |||
A: Analyzing | B: Organizing | C: Producing Text | D: Using Language |
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in the MYP
We at Harvest ensure students become competent and fluent through Language Acquisition by supporting inclusive language development using language as a vehicle to understand global contexts and facilitate learning.
Harvest International School aims to develop approaches to learning skills. Students are engaged in learning experiences which help them to demonstrate and enhance communication skills in terms of:
- Reading
- Writing
- Using language to gather and communicate information
Time allocated for teaching different languages per week: 35 minutes per session
Grade Level
Grade Level | Language and Literature (English) Sessions | Other Subjects Taught in English (Mathematics, Individuals & Societies, Arts, Sciences, Design, PHE) | Language Acquisition (Hindi/French) |
MYP 1 | 6 | 30 | 4 |
MYP 2 | 6 | 30 | 4 |
MYP 3 | 6 | 30 | 4 |
MYP 4 | 6 | 30 | 4 |
MYP 5 | 6 | 30 | 4 |
Assessment in Language Learning
- Assessment at the school aligns with the requirements of the programme(s) (IB Standard C4, Practice 1).
- Collaborative planning and reflection recognize that all teachers are responsible for the language development of students (IB Standard C1, Practice 8).
- Assessment in our school aligns with requirements of the IB framework. Student acquisition of language varies from individual to individual.
- Teachers at Harvest assess the students with all the language criteria (listening, reading, speaking, writing).
- Formative and summative assessments in the classroom provide information about the knowledge acquired by the student on language growth in accordance with the assessment guidance and rubrics of the IB.
- Formative assessment brings out the potential and challenges of the student and also provides constructive feedback frequently to improve on the progression of learning a language.
- The summative assessment is done every time after the end of each unit. The summative assessment is aligned to the statement of inquiry for the unit and the strands of all the criteria are assessed at least twice during an academic session.
- The assessment sheets include the command terms and the task-specific clarification for the children to self-evaluate after getting the scores.
- Using a range of tools and strategies, the teachers determine the language learning paths for students.
Strategies to Support Teachers and Students
- All educators in Harvest International School are responsible for the development of student language. Therefore, teachers and administrators engage in ongoing professional development to continue to improve literacy instruction.
- General education students are supported in language development by holistic instruction through inquiry-based instruction.
- Differentiated practices are noted in instructional units to meet diverse learning preferences.
- Harvest International School’s inclusion policy describes the tiers of potential support for students to allow participation to the fullest extent in all courses.
- Professional Development sessions equip teachers with strategies to focus on inquiry-based learning, bringing focus to the language needs in their respective subjects that shall include understanding the aims and objectives of the subject group, command terms, concepts, and global contexts.
- Students are made aware and guided towards proficiency in using these terms to communicate and transfer knowledge.
HIS Language Policy and Review
- The Language Policy is shared with staff, students, and families in a variety of modes of communication. The policy is posted on our website in written English form.
- During the Program Orientation sessions and induction programs, we will organize informational sessions to inform families about the policy details.
Developed: May 2022
Members: Ms. Suryavathy (Principal), Ms. Jaya (MYPC)
Last Reviewed: November 2023
Team Members: Ms. Suryavathy (Principal), Ms. Ruchira Banka (MYP Coordinator), Ms. Radhika Muraleedharan (PYP Coordinator, PYP Homeroom Teacher), Language Team – Ms. Kanivathani Subash, Ms. Veena Mohanty, Ms. Kanchan Sapre, Ms. Areefa CA, Ms. Kirti V
The policy is due for review in August 2024