Top Schools in Koramangala – A guide to parents

Education no longer revolves around academics. The student’s personality and talent development must be supported by the school. It’s mostly because getting good grades is no longer a guarantee of success. Every parent would indeed search for the Top Schools in Koramangala that offer all the amenities. Schools in Koramangala…
The Benefits of Meditation for Children

The Benefits of Meditation for Children

Meditation for children has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Many top schools in Bangalore teach meditation to their students on their campus. Meditation can have many positive benefits for children, including improving their focus at school, lowering their stress levels, making them feel happy and optimistic about…
Online Classes

11 Techniques to Be Successful in Online Classes

In many ways, this “new normal” of online learning flips traditional teacher/student roles and lays new responsibilities on you as a student. Suddenly, you’re in charge of arranging, planning, and guiding your own education. You must also learn to manage a complicated combination of learning management systems (LMS), courseware, other…